Private Label Capabilities
We specialize in providing wholesome treats for the special, furry members of your family. More specifically, we are experts in dehydration and are able to dehydrate any type of protein, fruit, vegetable, or combination of the three. With over 15 years of experience, we offer a vast catalog of treat recipes to help get you off the ground or to help expand your product offerings. We work with companies from all scales to provide consumers and businesses everywhere the exceptional quality our treats are known for.







Food Toppers



From salmon to bison, green beans to blueberries, we specialize in various proteins, fruit and vegetable dehydration. Our state of the art 110,000 square foot manufacturing facility can process over 210,000 lbs. of raw material daily. With the addition of 10 new ovens in 2020, our production capabilities will expand to upwards of 350,000 lbs. of raw material a day. Operating as one of the largest manufacturing facilities in the pet industry, we are BRC certified, GFSI compliant, FDA registered, and AA rated. Our refrigeration system has the capacity to store 3.5 million lbs. of fresh & frozen materials, guaranteeing the best product pricing available to our customers. Quality and safety are at the forefront of our goals and objectives. As a result, we have set our manufacturing processes to the highest standards. In order to ensure the greatest level of safety from cross contamination, our raw material and finished goods production areas are completely segregated. We also provide private label, ready-made recipes and customized formula development solutions to companies large and small.